Public Works
Department of Public Works
The Department of Public Works is responsible for the care and maintenance of Village streets, public lots and buildings, and infrastructure. Snow plowing, ice control, street sweeping and leaf pickup are performed.

Street Resurfacing: Street paving is funded through the NYS CHIPS Program. The Village receives approximately $90,000 per year through this program. Streets to be paved are based on several factors including pavement condition, traffic, road and drainage issues, future and upcoming construction projects work and available funds.
When streets are scheduled for paving affected areas will be notified prior to paving. Your patience during construction season is appreciated! Sumpter and Allen Streets were paved under a bid contract through Washington County using federal stimulus money.

Fire hydrants are flushed every year. Beginning in September the Village will be adding phosphate to the water system to control a red water condition. The phosphate will coat the interior of the water line to relieve the red water issue.
Water information 2024
The Water department rates have not increased since 2017. Due to increases in the cost of supplies, chemicals, testing and materials, source and supply from Queensbury, technical upgrades to our Water plant equipment and security equipment to insure the safety of our water we are forced to increase the minimum usage rate to $98.00 for the first 18,000 gallons used and 3.90 for every 1,000 gallons used after that. This change is effective now and will reflect on your September water billing.
There is also an increase in fees associated with turning the water Off and on, Disconnecting or reconnecting a meter, Broken or frozen meters and missing equipment.
If for some reason your home will not be heated throughout the winter please schedule an appointment to remove the meter so it does not freeze and break as the cost to replace this is on the homeowner. Also, the remote to the meter is on the outside of your home. Please keep this in mind when replacing siding. This is the source for getting the water readings and must be connected at all times.
It is equally important to keep your contact information up to date with our office. In the event of an emergency or if there is a problem with your Meter we need to be able to get in touch with you. Please be sure we have your correct mailing address, telephone number and email address.