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Village Hall

Famous Brand Fashion Week to begin from September 28

Aenean sollicitudin purus a nunc cursus, consectetur condimentum felis consequat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam gravida, sapien sit amet lacinia facilisis, metus mauris fermentum neque, vel lacinia ipsum nulla et urna. Morbi lobortis, orci nec pellentesque tristique, lorem est ullamcorper tortor, ut lacinia mi elit at leo. Nulla vel nibh laoreet, euismod nulla nec, porttitor augue. Pellentesque congue commodo velit in ultricies. Vivamus imperdiet ultricies elit vitae rutrum. Quisque ut erat vel tortor gravida faucibus ut et justo. Sed ultricies est id purus dapibus egestas. Praesent accumsan, erat a viverra sagittis, velit nisi varius neque, vel fermentum velit sapien in nisl. Vestibulum tempor lectus eget mi ultricies porta. Proin commodo sollicitudin tincidunt.

Rental Bike Scheme to Come to Over 50 Stations

Nam aliquam egestas sem malesuada venenatis. Fusce ante elit, iaculis id dapibus sit amet, pharetra a odio. Suspendisse potenti. Cras faucibus risus sit amet leo porta, id consequat lectus lobortis. Aenean sit amet eros vel ipsum convallis condimentum a non eros. Praesent consequat sapien eget erat feugiat, quis vehicula risus congue. Maecenas lobortis semper arcu, semper bibendum lorem mattis fermentum. Mauris eget nunc interdum massa eleifend elementum. Donec nec sem velit.

Public Hearing Announcement – Tentative Budget

TAKE NOTICE, that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Hudson Falls, New York, has filed the tentative budget for the fiscal year 2013-14 with the undersigned Village Clerk at her office in said Village and that on the 8th day of April, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. the Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing in Village Hall, 220 Main Street, Hudson Falls New York to consider said budget and to hear the objections of any person in relation thereto.

A copy of said tentative budget is available at the office of the Village Clerk where any person may inspect it during office hours.

The maximum compensation proposed to be paid to each of the Board of Trustees from all sources is as follows:  Mayor – $8,500; Trustees $4,500.


                                                                        Ellen M. Brayman

                                                                        Village Clerk/Treasurer